Just recently I was given the wonderful opportunity to speak to a wonderful bunch of women. I was asked to speak on using your gifts and finding your niche. I gave these ladies lots of questions to ask themselves so as to guide them toward careers, hobbies, interests, responsibilities and ministries fit just for each one of them. But it is one thing to figure out which direction to head and what projects to take on, it is another to actually imagine, plan and tackle those tasks. One of the first things to consider while you're in the planning stages of any new pursuit are your expectations.
Do your expectations make sense with your reality?
I have found a good way to evaluate your expectations is to measure them up against these parameters: your time, your abilities, your money, your passion and your season. Lysa Terkuerst taught me this and has a whole chapter dedicated to realistic expectations in her new book, The Best Yes.
The most practical and wise advice I can give you is to focus on the truth. No matter what you're dealing with - false expectations, overwhelming life circumstances, anxiety, worry, whatever ... when you take a deep breath and tell yourself the truth, you realize it will all be ok. For instance, if you become fearful of failure - you must realize failure is a possibility, but then remember your track record (even if it is not great), but also, the God whose grace is sufficient for all things, especially in your weakness (2 Cor. 12:9-10) who has brought you to where you are now. His mercies are new every morning, He is faithful and He is there whether you succeed or fail. He knows what has already happened and will happen in the future. No matter the outcome, the best part about all of this is that He loves you no matter what.