Senior Model Meet'n'Greet

This year Kate Blauert Photography is taking some big steps towards meeting goals and living out dreams. It is definitely a goal and passion of mine to encourage others - to capture their beauty, their true self and their personality on camera and hand it to them, tied up with a nice bow and given with a hug. This is at the heart of my new KBP Senior Model Program.

Do you remember when you were a senior in high school? The anticipation, soaking up of memories and the excitement as you look ahead. It truly is a milestone year in life - celebrating all you have accomplished and preparing yourself to be an adult. I think it SO important and special to remember this time, and in what better way than with photos?!

I love throwing parties. I also love having an excuse to buy fresh flowers and get out of my craft supplies. So to invite some sweet girls to be a part of my Senior Model Program - I did just that! On this night these girls and their moms heard all about the FREE styled shoot, the hair and makeup, the wardrobe, the discounts and the referral rewards they could have, all if they became a KBP Senior Model! So over raspberry lemonade and macaroon cookies we got to know each other and became really excited about all the Senior Model fun to come!

We had a lovely time together that night and I was excited to sign up 4 beautiful Senior Models for my new program. I will be introducing you to them soon - stay tuned!